Friday 24 June 2011

Ten things to do before I die!

Its 12:45 am and its been two hours since I finished watching final destination. And as every person who's ever watched that movie will agree, death is the foremost, or maybe the only thing on your mind once you've watched it. Well, the good thing is I'm not thinking abt the gory ways leading to death, but the not so good thing is I'm still thinking of death nonetheless. And I suddenly felt, what if I were to die tomorrow; drop off; just like that. Not a very good thought i admit, one that would surely send my mom into a tizzy, but a thought nonetheless.

And when i thought about dying, Strangely the emotion I felt wasn't of fear; rather one of incompleteness. And i realised it wasnt the idea of dying that scared me, but that of dying without having done anything! So I decided to make this 'Oh so awesome' list of things to do before I die. Seemed a great idea. But somehow I couldn't seem to come up with anything really good; something which would remove that nagging feeling. I mean, travelling the world, staying in 5 star hotels, and other such stuff seemed good, but just not good enough!

Damn this was irritating; attribute it to my lazy nature or anything else; dying seemed easier than this. And just as I was about to give up, a thought struck me; maybe nothing can make up for death, maybe that is the reason why people fear death so much. And in a flash of consciousness I came up with the perfect solution. I didnt have the list of ten things to do before I die; but i did have THE thing to do before I die: LIVE.

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