Tuesday 7 June 2011

There are times and there are times!!

5:00 am. Hardly a time for sane mortals to be awake; except maybe in places like Haridwar and Varanasi, but then that's what the 'sane' was for. 5:00 am. like the preface of a book which no one reads, the break of dawn is seldom seen by anyone, and rarely ever experienced. The transformation from the black inky darkness to the purplish hue and finally to the pink dawn is magic itself! Anyone who has seen this panoramic beauty unfold before him has accepted one fact: MAGIC does exist!! And it happens every morning.

for the few souls who do wake up or ever have woken up at this ungodly hour, the day ahead has been one of total bliss. There is something about seeing the sun rising which makes you wonder about the creator and his beauty. Something which gives you hope. Hope to start a new day, however bad yesterday was; hope to do something new; hope see things in a way you didnt see yesterday; hope that whatever happens in the course of the day there will be another sunrise, another morning, another thing of beauty.

Hope and joy are motivators enough in our dull and boring lives. They're the catalysts which make our life worth living, they're what we ultimately live for. They are LIFE.

5:00 am. a time for hope, joy and optimism. But then, that's for the insane folks innit??

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