Thursday 9 June 2011

Run DK Bose!!

Calling it a song would be an understatement. something which has achieved cult status over barely 2-3 weeks can only be called a phenomenon. What was most likely just a way to get around the censor board has now become a part of loads of peoples' facebook status update. So what is it about this song that has taken this country by storm? What does this song do to people that even SHEILA or MUNNI couldnt? It is after all just a common hindi cuss word; albeit among the more hushed ones. Is is just the fact that people are expressing their joy at being able to curse so openly.

Because if it is, then it does seem that the gen-x indeed is extremely shallow ( please do forgive this seemingly prudish statement). Or is it just because the creative team of the film found a way around the dreaded censor board? That still wouldn't be that bad. everyone loves breaking rules, or in this case, going around them. I guess it's just much easier to relate to people who havn't made it their life's business to preach at everyone in sight (read: rajshri production movies; anyone who's watched them will know what im talking about)

Personally I find the former reason more entertaining. i mean, it would make song writing just do much more easier. Even you or I could make the big bucks; and life would be awesome again. no wonder my friend's facebook status says, RUN DK BOSE!!!

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